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HP SAS硬碟leds燈號說明

HP SAS硬碟leds燈號(hp g7/g6系統適用)說明

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分享連結 HP SAS硬碟leds燈號說明@新精讚
2019-10-25 10:25:07 最後編修
2016-10-15 04:08:18 By 張○○

之前有一段時間,被我的DL380 g7前面傳出的BEEP BEEP逼逼聲困擾很久,因為很機房很吵,這聲音很小,隱約聽到,但又不確定從哪發出來。





Note: Predictive failure alerts can occur only when the hard drive is connected to a Smart Array controller.

LED (green)

Fault/UID LED (amber/blue)


On, off, or flashing

Alternating amber and blue

The drive has failed, or a predictive failure alert has been received for this drive; it also has been selected by a management application.

On, off, or flashing

Steadily blue

The drive is operating normally, and it has been selected by a management application.


Amber, flashing regularly (1 Hz)

A predictive failure alert has been received for this drive. Replace the drive as soon as possible.



The drive is online, but it is not active currently.

Flashing regularly (1 Hz)

Amber, flashing regularly (1Hz)  

Do not remove the drive. Removing a drive may terminate the current operation and cause data loss.
The drive is part of an array that is undergoing capacity expansion or stripe migration, but a predictive failure alert has been received for this drive. To minimize the risk of data loss, do
not replace the drive until the expansion or migration is complete.

Flashing regularly (1 Hz)


Do not remove the drive. Removing a drive may terminate the current operation and cause data loss.
The drive is rebuilding, erasing, or it is part of an array that is undergoing capacity expansion or stripe migration.

Flashing irregularly

Amber, flashing regularly (1Hz)  

 The drive is active, but a predictive failure alert has been received for this drive. Replace the drive as soon as possible.

Flashing irregularly


The drive is active, and it is operating normally.


Steadily amber

 A critical fault condition has been identified for this drive, and the controller has placed it offline. Replace the drive as soon as possible.


Amber, flashing regularly (1Hz)  

 A predictive failure alert has been received for this drive.
Replace the drive as soon as possible.



 The drive is offline, a spare, or not configured as part of an array.



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