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how to stop wildfly keeping standalone server log

how to stop wildfly keeping standalone server log

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2020-03-13 22:06:21 最後編修
2019-04-11 10:21:01 By jung

有二個方法可以停止wildfly自己保存在standalone目錄下的server log

1. 直接修改standalone-full-ha.xml


將root-logger handlers註解掉

                <level name="INFO"/>
                    <handler name="CONSOLE"/>
                    <handler name="FILE"/>


systemctl restart wildfly


2. 查到第二種方法,使用CLI命令去處理

先登入wildfly console

sh /opt/wildfly/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect controller= -c





發現<handler name="CONSOLE"/>






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